Two Wheels - Six Strings

Random news and thoughts about various two-wheeled projects and music, especially my band, Skull Full Of Blues.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I Hate The New Layout on Blogger

It's hard to navigate, and hard on the eyes.  Writing a blog post should not be this unpleasant.


At 9:30 PM , Blogger Jerome said...

really? I found it quite refreshing and like it better. at least it doesn't change as much as Facebook did (or maybe still does, I'm not sure).

At 9:44 PM , Blogger Jon said...

It just doesn't scan well for me. Kinda gives me a headache. Plus, I don't find it easy to use. Took me 5 minutes of messing around before I could find the dashboard. Of course, I am at best computer semi-literate...

Maybe the display looks better on nicer computers, but on my MacBook, it reminds me of the fluorescent light in a gas station bathroom.

At 2:33 AM , Blogger adventure! said...

Yeah, I don't find it too bad, though maybe it's because I'm "used" to it by now.

At 4:27 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

But posting pictures is so much easier and Wordpress like! What I can't stand is the new anti robot words that I sometimes can barely make out!

At 4:28 AM , Blogger Steve A said...

I agree. Some "improvements" simply aren't.

At 7:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The BIG problem with the new Blogger layout is that Google has failed to take into account basic human mentality.

Blogger users have, often daily and sometimes for years, been using the same basic but functional layout. A huge part of the attraction with blogspot was was that anyone could master a blog and be posting entries online within minutes.

Then, literally overnight, blogger completely change the system, to the extent its unrecogniseable to what blog users had before. It's also far more complex to master. I've been blogging weekly for 6 years, and the new layout has me considering moving to Wordpress, which I'd previously been avoiding for being slightly more complex than Blogger!

What Google have done with blogger is the equivalent of taking your local corner shop, demolishing it and replacing it with a shopping mall whilst you sleep, and expecting you not to even blink at the difference when you turn up the next day. Their attitude seems to be "You'll get used to it eventually", which really isn't the point.

At 8:14 AM , Blogger Pondero said...

Until recently, I worked with a charming curmudgeon (aged 74) who, when dealing with the almost daily corporate changes/refinements/upgrades at our workplace, would say, "If they keep improving it, pretty soon it won't work at all!"

At 9:07 AM , Blogger Big Oak said...

I'm afraid to try it. I'm just getting used to the regular format. It only took 4 years!

At 1:40 PM , Blogger adventure! said...

I get the reason why everyone's complaining, and it's nice to vent. I've been guilty of complaining about change, too. (And probably will complain again at some point.)

But did we think Blogger was going to stay the same way forever? We're talking about the tech world here. Things like this get constantly tweaked. Knowing google, I'm sure all the engineers et al have been wanting to tweak with the template for awhile.

And looking at it again, I really don't think it's that big of a deal. For creating a blog entry there's still a big box in the middle of the page that you type your stuff. There's a right hand sidebar for adding tags, scheduling, etc. On the top are buttons to add links, images, make bold text, etc. I don't remember this being that great of a change from what it used to. And I agree w/Greg that photos are easier to post.

Yeah, the "prove you're not a robot" stuff is grating, but I'd rather have less spam than more.

I think, however, complaining about the aesthetic of the layout is more justified. I can see how it can be hard on the eyes (though it's not hard on my eyes.) Also, it looks like while it's easier to just have nice templates w/o thinking too much about it vs. the old "futz around with html business", if one wanted to futz around with html business it's now harder.

This is the price we pay when we use a free blogging service made by someone else. And for those who are suggesting moving to Wordpress, my sweetie (who blogs on Wordpress) just informed me that they also changed their format/template just recently, and she also expressed annoyance when it happened. This stuff is going to change no matter where we end up going.

At least my old Raleigh hasn't changed...

At 4:52 PM , Anonymous G.E. said...

I'm so with you on the changes. I hadn't logged in for 2-3 weeks and then was a bit taken aback when I realized that the whole system had changed. I'm sure (like all things), we will all adjust, but in the mean time it's a little disturbing to figure out.

At 11:18 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I have little issue with the new layout. The more important issue is that I have not been able to edit an existing post since the change. NOTHING responds on the post page - no matter what I click it attempts to restore the web page. I have followed all of the tips and tricks to fix the problem, but nothing has worked. I am so fed up and my business is so far behind schedule now thta I cannot wait any longer for Google to pull its collective head out its as and stop fixing things that were not broken to begin with. I have no issue with change, so long as it does not alter the bottom line, and unfortunately, two weeks without the ability to edit a single post is unacceptable. How about Google focus on fixing the issues with Google+ or any of its other 800000000000000000 unfinished projects before demolishing the one good product being offered.


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