Under The Weather
Having spent the past 4 days hacking up a lung and running a low-grade fever, I am somewhat annoyed that getting the crud coincided with some really nice bicycling weather. The temps have been in the upper 50s and lower 60s, with nice sunny skies, and the only ride I even attempted was to the coffee shop and back, yesterday.
I did get some things accomplished, though. I sent the Hiawatha 3-speed off to get powder coated red. It will be going to the wife of a co-worker, once it's done. I also got my nephew Sean's Rat Patrol hat put together and in the mail. He should have it by the end of the week.
I also got a little bit of bike work done.

I converted the LeMond from cyclocross mode to fixed gear.
I painted the fork silver to match the frame a bit better. It was white with green decals.
I used the drivetrain and wheels from the Green Hornet (I sold the frame, last year), including the wheels built on Campagnolo Record high-flange track hubs. I rode it up and down the street a couple of times, just to make sure everything was tightened down. I'll take a actual ride on it, when I feel better, to check it out for real.
I decided to use the cross parts from the LeMond on the RedLine frame I got from BC. I don't really have a thousand bucks lying around to buy new parts with, and I want to get the bike on the road. With it together, I have a geared bike I can swap tires on and use either for road riding or cyclocross-style riding.
Having the LeMond built as a fixie gives me a nice lighter-weight fixed to use for longer rides/training speed rides, in addition to the orange Peugeot for around-town use.
And, of course, I am still looking for a frame to build up as my 3-speed Clubman-style "Gentleman's Tourer".
Man, how many bikes do I need, anyway?
Q. "Man, how many bikes do I need anyway?" A. all of them.
How many bikes is enough anyway?if you run out of space build a bigger garage.
The number of bikes you already have + 1
Dude, my heart goes out to you, because that was some niiiiice weather. Seems like everybody and their dog is getting sick these past few weeks.
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