Back To Work
Well, I survived the first commute back from sick leave. I think it helped that the temperature was in the mid-thirties, this morning, and the wind wasn't howling. I'm not sure I would have gone in if the temps had been near zero, or the 25 mph winds were going.
As it was, I got to work with very littly hacking and wheezing (no more than normal, actually), and arrived in 33 minutes. Sometimes, as I've observed before, I am actually faster if I take it easy than I am if I peg it all the way to work.
I got a variety of answers to my hypothetical question about the number of bikes I might need (I think n+1 seems to be the consensus, with n representing the number of bikes owned at any given time). The thing is, I'm not even sure how many I have, right now.
Let's see: Formula 1, Iver Johnson, 69er, TREK STP, Miami Vice, OrangePeugeot, Big Red Western Flyer, High Wheeler, LeMond, Scorcher, Pink Bike, RedLine Cross(under construction)...that's 12 that I can think of.
I guess the Clubman will become Lucky 13.
I have decided to build the Clubman on an English frame, since I am going for the English feel. So, I guess I need to start looking for a Raleigh, or Triumph (both of which I have had and sold, within the last year, of course), or a Rudge, etc.
In the meantime, I pulled the Racing Triple crankset apart and cleaned it up, yesterday.

As you can see, it was quite dirty. For some reason, the digital camera decided to not save the "after" picture. But I'll get a shot of it on the RedLine, when next I work on it.
It is good to hear that you are feeling better. I think 13 bikes sounds just about right :)
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