Attacked By Ninjas
Ckick for BIG, if you feel the need...

I was cranking up the one significant slope on my way to work (Dahlia, between Leetsdale and Alameda) doing about 17 or 18 mph, when I heard a "SNAP". Next thing I knew. I was augering-in on my right shoulder, my helmet whiplashed to the pavement, and my bike was all over me like a randy prom date.

I rode 2.7 miles back to my house, with one pedal, and swapped all my stuff over into the bags on the pink bike and then headed off to work, again.
Made it past the Ninjas, on the second try.
Shawn managed to break the skewer in the rear wheel on the Formula One. So he had to walk the next 4 miles to work. He had to go to pee so bad he used the bushes on the side of one of our friends' houses...which is seriously like a 5 minute walk from his office.
Glad to hear you're ok... I guess with all of the miles you have riddin, you should have a couple of random odd occurances. Oh, and Im still lookin for a Randy Prom Date :)
Ouch! I have a matching shoulder scar from an endo earlier this summer that ended badly. Glad you made it through with relatively minor wounds.
Just think, you worked that thing hard enough to break through a half inch of machined aluminum. That's pretty tough.
Yikes! That looks like it hurts ... glad to hear you weren't hurt badly. I like the cartoon illustrating the attack. Maybe you'll get THEM, next time.
Always use anti-ninja spray before leaving the house. It's that time of year, they are breeding like mad.
Glad your injuries are serious. Are your sure it was Ninja (i hear they are busy mating). Perhaps its the tunnel lizard.
Um.... i meant NOT serious
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