First Snow of the Season
Here's a picture I took, yesterday, in 80 degree F temps:
It's a Cannondale M700 on which I installed the ENO-hubbed wheelset from the pink bike, along with a few other parts, to turn it into a flip-flop fixed-free singlespeed commuter for a local customer. Turned out really nice. I used the ENO on my (now my nephew's) Cannondale with good results. I just couldn't get the thing to stay in place in the Fisher dropouts.
Here's a picture, from this morning, as I got home from Kaladi Brothers Coffee:

I had, of course, another flat while I was out. The rear tire went down while I was at the coffee shop. So, I just took my CO2 cartridge and reinflated it, thinking I could get home before it went back down, since I had gotten there without noticing it being low. I figured it must have had a small, slow, leak.
Nope. Air in...air out. I had apparently run over an idustrial staple or a small nail in the alley as I rode up to Kaladi's, because I later found a largish square-edged hole in the tube.
Naturally, I only had the one cartridge with me, and the pump I usually carry on this bike is on the Miami Vice bike. So, it looked like I was either going to walk home, or hitch a ride. Or, ride home on a flat, which is what I did.
I figured the snow on the ground and the big-ole tire would protect the rim, and I wasn't concerned with the tire, itself, since I don't like these tires anyway. So, I rode slowly home, making that flat-tire sound as I went, and put the bike in the stand when I got home.
To my surprise, the tire was not only undamaged, but it was still securely seated in the rim. I would bet these tires work nicely as tubeless tires, if you do the "Stan's conversion" on them.
I squeezed some latex sealant into a new tube, and reinstalled the tire and called it good.
that sucks...this is my first comment, after reading this blog for almost a yr straight...yay snow!
Dude you have to work on the flat mojo, the flats are happening way too often. Glad you madde it easier to comment
Yeah, it's apparently some kind of karma, or something.
Good to get the comments.
Yeah, I don't get why you get so many flats. What a bummer!
I can't believe you got snow already. It was like 80 degrees here on Sunday too and it's cooler now, but we're nowhere near snow temperatures.
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