Iver Johnson Build Commences

The original headtube badge which reads "Iver Johnson Arms & Cycle Works Fitchburg, Mass, U.S.A."
I swapped out the NJS track bar I originally had on it for a Soma Major Taylor bar. I thought it looked more appropriate, plus Major Taylor rode for Iver Johnson in the 1920s.

I put a coat of Bullseye Amber Shellac on the cork grips, just before taking the pictures. They may get more coats, depending on how they look after drying.
The finish actually looks very much like antiqued copper plating. It is a pretty close approximation of the example I was trying to emulate. And, I decided to not run a brake on it, just to keep the look a little more correct.
It won't be getting a great many miles on it, anyway, unless someone else buys it and rides it.
The copper color is very nice, toobad about the dings.
The Grady CD is here we'll hook up soon.
I like the bronz-y color.
One of my coworkers is obsessed with the Swiss Army Bike...the thing weighs like 53 pounds...but I hear it's got a bayonet mount.
Can you tell me the paint code for the copper?
I'm sorry, but I don't have that info. It was not a standard color from the catalog...something new, as I recall. I do remember that is a two-part color - base coat then color coat.
Your local powder coat guy may be able to tell you .
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