Two Wheels - Six Strings

Random news and thoughts about various two-wheeled projects and music, especially my band, Skull Full Of Blues.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

Greetings from Pennsylvania. Santa will be here two hours earlier than for my Denver friends. I'll put in a good word for you all.

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Nice Weather For A Bike Ride

Well, after a run of above-average temps, here in Denver, we finally got some cold and snow.  We only got an inch, or so, of the white stuff, but it left black ice (and white ice, for that matter) on a lot of the neighborhood streets on which I ride to work. And, with the temperature forecasted to drop to 7 degrees F, tonight, I suspect that there may be a few slick spots between here and the lab.


Looks like it's Mukluk time, for me.  I'm looking forward to rolling the tractor tires to work, in the morning!

I've been quite busy with Skull Full Of Blues.  We played two shows, this weekend (check the Facebook page if you are interested in details), and we dropped off a few CDs at Twist and Shout Records, so that we are on the retail shelves.  This coming week, I need to get the Kickstarter CDs in the mail.

It is a busy, busy time of the year...
