Help Me Obi Wan Kenobi.. You Are My Only Hope!
I come to you, today, seeking advice. I am in a quandary as to what to do, and I need some feedback.
So, please read this post, and leave a comment. That way, I will have any advice offered all in one place for easy reference.
Once again, I have looked around and noticed that I have way too many bikes for one person. I need to thin the herd, again, but I am loathe to do so. Most of the bikes are unique, and I ride them all for different purposes.
About these two, however, I am conflicted.

This may be the ugliest bike I own. Yet, I really like to commute on it. Why? Mainly because it rides very similarly to the UO8. The gearing and the riding position are very similar. I put 700c wheels on it, a single brake, upside-down Huffy 3-speed bars and a leather ADGA saddle. Blindfolded, I would be hard-pressed to tell the two bikes apart.
The problem? I commute on the yellow bike almost every day, and the orange bike has been hanging from the ceiling of the shop building so long that the tires are flat. I feel like the Peugeot is being wasted, since I never ride it, and that the Specialized is redundant.
So, should I install the rack, lights and other equipment on the Peugeot and use it as a commuter, or should I continue to use the Specialized and pull the French bike out for recreational rides?
PROS for keeping the Specialized as my commuter:
It works nicely and is already equipped for the commute.
It is ugly enough that I don't worry so much about theft/cosmetic damage.
It is pleasing to have a junkyard dog which works so well.
I had one of these, before, and sold it. I missed it enough that I built this one to replace it.
I had one of these, before, and sold it. I missed it enough that I built this one to replace it.
PROS for making the Peugeot my commuter:
I miss riding it, and commuting would give me time on it.
I can fit fenders on it. The Specialized won't accept fenders with the 700c wheel/35c tire combo.
It would allow me to clear a hook by selling the Specialized on.
So, the question: Should the Specialized stay, or go? I await your thoughts.
a couple random thoughts.
Having been very close to the Peugeot, I know her condition. Which to comment is near perfect. To relegate it to commuter status and subject it to the conditions of that duty would quickly age it. Not to say the bike shouldn't be ridden, but it is a bit of a rare specimen.
Now I have also been privy to your comments on how much you enjoy the Specialized for numerous reasons. It does (as you say) everything just as you need and is serving well.
All of this said, I would find another hook to empty. Still not an easy task, but the two bikes you are in question over are the two I see you on most often.
The Peugeot she is French. She does not mind being neglected, as long as you come back to her in the night smelling of cheap wine and cheaper women.
Tough call. The Peugeot has to stay, obviously, and a bike that pretty deserves to be ridden. But if it's lasted this long, maybe keeping it pristine is a good idea, as brad suggests.
That said, none of my bikes ever stay pristine, so keeping one that way is really just a theory. I've never tested it.
The yellow bike seems like a real workhorse. But if one has to go, it should be that one.
What's on your other hooks?
A bike should be ridden. Keep the Peugeot.
Buy more hooks... :)
Na, you really have to tell us what else you are plannin to keep because there is always room for one more bike... Freak, keep one of em at a friends. Maybe dismantle it (peugoet) wrap it and stash it away. That way you have it, but its not takin up immediate space. Just make sure that if you do sell em, you get plenty for them so you dont regret the price TOO...
Why do you have to get rid of one? Who makes the rules about how many bikes one person can have? You want both, you should keep both -- search your feelings, you know this to be true.
Well, the Peugeot will stay, regardless of what happens to other bikes. It will likely be the last to ever go, barring accident or theft.
I'd keep them both! There's nothing wrong with having a choice in what you ride. I've got 8 bikes, and unless dire circumstances force me to sell them for the cash, they shall all stay in my stable. Having said that, I have sold 6 bikes in the last year. I think I'm sane for weaning my herd down to 8. I don't think you would ever regret keeping both. BTW; I think they're both look pretty sweet. Cheers.
does this mean that you're back to "over 26 bikes" status?
Loan the Peugeot to a high school student for a month. Then choose another and loan it to them. Do it to a different teen each month. You'll be the most popular bicyclist in your neighborhood. And wow.... imagine the good you'll do. Give them some rides and see what happens. who knows, maybe you'll discover Luke that way.
-obi won
Look, you obviously need 2 commuter bikes, one for gorgeous, sunny days and another for what I call pig weather. The nice commuter will stay nice, its drive train free of grit and its bottom bracket pristine. The bad weather bike will be filthy, so you shouldn't feel bad about parts wearing out from use. The pig weather bike needs a full complement of fenders, lights, reflectors, etc. The nice bike can be much, much lighter.
Just a thought.
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