Spending Money Again

I didn't get any work done on the bike, today, but I did order a new float for the left carb. I also bid on a front brake caliper, on eBay, but didn't get it.
So, I guess Mike's XS will get another order from me, tomorrow, for a caliper rebuild kit. $28.00.
In the meantime, I got the custom tank decals I ordered fom Germany. Lutz Helmsmuller at http://www.LunaArt.de set me up with a couple of "Trimaha" - style tank decals for $15.00.
Brings my total, so far, to just about $1100.
I had a hard time getting a picture of this, as it is a white decal on white backing paper. I finally taped it to the screen of my monitor, and used the CRT as a light box. The color is wrong, but you can see the design.
I might get the sheet aluminum and start fabbing the inner rear fender, tomorrow. I can do most of that inside, which is good due to the fact that the sun is nearly set by the time I get home from work. But, at least the days are getting longer, now. Come on Springtime!
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